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Prices for all group classes

in person or on ZOOM


In Europe and US

Schoolyear September 2024 – June 2025:                                           580 

20-hours card:                                                                                300 

10-hour card:                                                                                   170 

A single course:                                                                                20 


For New Zealand & Australia

Year card (one class a week for 44 weeks):                                    600 $NZ

20-hours card:                                                                            300 $NZ

10-hour card:                                                                               160 $NZ

A single course:                                                                             18 $NZ



Two mini-session of 30 minutes count for one session of one hour on your card.

All cards are valid according to your availability,

optionally from all group lessons,

in person or via ZOOM.


A first trial session is offered to all new participants.


Please e-mail me to receive the ZOOM link









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